The WYDE Civic Engagement project complements its activities at global and regional levels with ad-hoc country-level support. The overall aim of the Quick-Impact Actions (QIAS) is to provide urgent and strategic support to local actors working on youth political inclusion and participation, always upon request of the relevant EU Delegation.
Based on the specific objectives determined in close cooperation with EUDs, the most appropriate local actor(s) are identified and selected to implement the QIAs. This is done either through a direct technical intervention or an action grant, awarded directly or through a restrictive call for proposals, depending on the urgency of the need, the political calendar, and the potential to generate positive changes in youth participation.)
Project Overview
This project aims to increase the participation of women and youth in Ghana’s democratic processes by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary for active political engagement. Despite Ghana’s progress in democratic governance, both youth and women face significant challenges that limit their inclusion in decision-making processes. These include low political literacy, limited access to education and employment, cultural norms, and systemic barriers. The project will raise awareness about youth civic rights through quizzes on democracy in high schools, townhall meetings with out-of-school youth, and debates in social media forums.
Target groups
The project targets three key groups:
- young people in deprived communities who are members of school civic clubs,
- youth outside formal education such as slum dwellers and apprentices,
- and women in trade associations.
Key Objectives
- Providing comprehensive information on the democratic process,
- Promoting active citizenship
- Empowering marginalised groups,
- And countering misinformation ahead of Ghana’s 2024 elections.
By targeting women and youth, this initiative aims to foster political accountability, sustain peace, and advance national cohesion. Ultimately, it seeks to empower these groups to contribute meaningfully to Ghana’s democratic development.
More about the organisation
NCCE is an independent governance institution which works to promote and sustain democracy and inculcate in the Ghanaian citizenry, the awareness of their rights and obligations, through civic education. Article 233(d) of the Constitution of Ghana mandates NCCE to “formulate, implement and oversee programmes intended to inculcate in the citizens of Ghana an awareness of their civic responsibilities and an appreciation of their rights and obligations as free people”