Dr Dércio Tsandzana [Mozambican] is a PhD in Political Science. Tsandzana does research on political participation, youthS, Internet and social media.
What is Youth Political Participation for Dercio?
It’s a real passion, I’ve always been interested in understanding how you can participate in political life in a young country like Mozambique. It’s an area that interests me because Mozambique is mostly made up of young people and because of this.For many years, young people have been studied from a negative point of view, and little has been said about them. By providing evidence about this target group, my research provides elements that help to identify the challenges, but above all to develop strategies that seek solutions to increase participation.
Personality Dercio admires most

P. L. O. Lumumba, advocate for his own causes and pragmatist. In a context in which references are almost absent, the defence of pan-African values and those connected to our local history in Africa is an opportunity. Studies on young people cannot be viewed in the same way for all contexts, so it is necessary to understand the definition of what it means to be young and how political participation in Africa actually develops. Prof Lumumba is controversial in his actions, but motivating nonetheless.
Fun fact about Dercio
“When I was a kid I dreamed of being a footballer and a cardiologist, but neither of which I am today. This shows, in other words, that dreaming has no limits, so we can wish to be what our own imagination never thought possible. As a researcher I have found my true passion and mission.”
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