Uganda ABSTRACT The aim of the WFD’s ‘Strengthening National Youth Representation and Engagement in Politics in Uganda’ programme was to ensure better representation for the needs and interests of young people in policy and decision-making in the Parliament of Uganda. The programme supported the Uganda Parliamentary Forum […] read more
Nepal ABSTRACT Baal Kachahari (Children’s Forum) is Save the Children Nepal’s contextualised, child and young people-centred social accountability tool. Young people aged under 18 organise intergenerational dialogues in their communities and invite local service providers, elected representatives, other duty-bearers and influential stakeholders to a non-adversarial discussion, from […] read more
Nigeria ABSTRACT The #YouthMarchForth for Electoral Reforms 2.0 (#YMF-FER), which ran from March 2021 to February 2022, was a nationwide RTLA day of action project. It was designed in 2020 to engage the RTLA State Chapters as key drivers in advocacy for electoral reforms in Nigeria. It […] read more
Africa ABSTRACT In the face of COVID-19, vaccine inequity, widespread job losses and economic aftershocks, improving the Africa-Europe partnership is more important than ever, if the inequalities growing across both continents are to be addressed. Many African and European youth share a vision for the future, but […] read more
Senegal ENABLING FACTORS Strong advocacy, during the in-person Council, by the National Youth Council for better management of the needs of young people in terms of youth employment. This has enabled improved involvement of young people in the implementation strategy and ownership of the programme at the […] read more
Central African Republic ABSTRACT The Central African Republic (CAR) is a context mired in successive crises. It is currently ranked 188th of 189 countries in the United Nations Development Program’s Human Development Index (HDI). With 78% of the population of the CAR under 35 years old, young […] read more
Malaysia ABSTRACT Following the implementation of the Undi18 Amendment, an estimated 5.8 million new voters have been added to Malaysia’s electoral roll, increasing the total number of eligible voters by 40%. This is significant step forward for Malaysian democracy, and one that could not have taken place […] read more
Global ABSTRACT Young people have been hit hard by the economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and have expressed concerns over its long-term implications, including on satisfaction with democracy and intergenerational justice. In response, by the end of 2021, at least 34 OECD countries had […] read more
Costa Rica ABSTRACT Costa Rica has long been in the vanguard of youth inclusion in democratic processes. Its Vice-Ministry of Youth has set out a comprehensive approach for encouraging and improving youth engagement. The National Youth System of Costa Rica has achieved policy success, as demonstrated by […] read more